Heavy Weight Services

KEMET worldwide has so far executed transport of cargo units weighing up to 300 tons, with extra dimensions greater than normal sized units As specialists in transport logistics, we ship globally an annual capacity of 350 tons of heavy and oversized cargo
We have unlimited solutions for heavy and oversized transportation methods, playing with main shipowners for RORO, LOLO and Bulk ships aside to nearly 10 years of experience in the heavy haulage industry, our extensive know-how and our flexibility to respond to individual customer requirements, we are able to create tailor-made logistical concepts and to ensure the professional and successful execution of even highly sophisticated shipments.

We guarantee for the qualified and reliable execution of your transport with us

WE SHIP Trucks, truck trailers, truck heads, ambulances, busses.

We can even move your static cargo using mafi trailers

More than Cars and Trucks

Trucks, truck trailers, truck heads, ambulances, busses. You name it, we ship it. We can even move your static cargo using mafi trailers.